Know Exactly When Students are Ready for the HiSET® Exam

HiSET Academy® is an online, mobile-friendly course that teaches students exactly what they need to know to pass their HiSET® Exam. Using built-in practice tests, the adaptive learning system creates a personalized learning plan for each student, bypassing skills they have already mastered. With over 3,500 interactive activities and lessons, this course will fully prepare students in each HiSET® Exam subject area: Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. Along the way, educators can track progress, customize learning plans, and determine exactly when students are ready to take their HiSET® Exam!

We worked closely with PSI® to make sure that HiSET Academy® was designed to closely resemble the official HiSET® Exam.
- Content: All content is aligned to the official HiSET® exam.
- Practice Tests: Built-in practice tests are timed, just like the official HiSET® Exam.
- Scoring: We use the same weighted scoring system as PSI® so students can be confident in their practice test scores.
We can say with confidence that if a student can pass the HiSET Academy® practice tests, they most certainly can pass the official HiSET® Exam.

HiSET Academy® for the HiSET® Exam in Spanish applies the same award-winning features from HiSET Academy® but enhanced with interactive audio and written lessons that prepare students to take the HiSET® Exam in Spanish. Developed by fluent Spanish academic curriculum designers, this course offers culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate content. HiSET Academy® for the HiSET® Exam in Spanish is aligned to the official HiSET® Exam in Spanish, College and Career Readiness Standards, and Common Core Academic Standards.

We understand the difficulty of keeping adult students engaged. HiSET Academy® was specifically designed with this in mind. There are 3 things we focus on that keeps students coming back to class.
Personalized Instruction: No more one-size-fits-all teaching. Our adaptive learning system first identifies the missing gaps in the learners knowledge and skills and then creates a unique learning plan for that student.
- Easy-to-Understand Content: Lessons are presented in a way that makes sense to adult students. By basing the skills on real-life-scenarios, students will retain the information when it comes time to take their HiSET® Exam.
- Engaging Delivery: Unlike many other educational courses, we present the material in a way that is interactive and fun for students. Instead of boring slideshows, lessons consist of animated characters that adult students can relate to.

Having complete visibility of each student’s progress lets instructors see when and where to remediate. Here are just a few of the features and reports found within our Learning Management System (LMS).
- Manage Students and Classes: Create custom classes, add and deactivate students, and manage student accounts.
- Manage Student Learning Plan: Assign lessons to students based off classroom instruction or their official exam/practice test results.
- Track Goals and Performance: See how well students are performing on their lessons, quizzes, and practice tests.
- Track Study Time: View total time for all students, or each student individually. Filter by class, date range, course, and in or out of class time.
- Skill Mastery Report: See exactly which skills students have mastered and which they need more work on.
- Student Readiness Report: Determine which students are ready for testing.

HiSET Academy® lessons are designed for all learners, with careful attention to the needs of those who do not benefit from traditional classroom teaching. Because of this, our lessons are built from the ground up with features to assist the broadest possible group of learners.
- Hearing disabilities
- Visual disabilities
- Physical disabilities

Our HiSET® Curriculum Blueprint is your guide to the HiSET® Exam. It highlights standards and skills, assessments, and lesson-building
Our Essential Skills workbook series pairs perfectly with HiSET Academy®. These workbooks use an innovative four-part teaching structure where students move through a Mastery Learning cycle. The sampler provides a glimpse at print material that goes beyond traditional drill and practice.
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Order HiSET Academy for the HiSET Exam in Spanish
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To request a quote, please complete our online Quote Request form or call 800-931-8069.
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