Computer Essentials™
An Online Digital Literacy Course

Computer and Internet Skills Required for Success


Computer Essentials is an online, self-paced digital literacy course that teaches students the computer and internet skills they need. Students learn important skills for testing on a computer, taking college-level courses, performing in today's workplace, and staying safe online. Using built-in assessments, the adaptive learning system creates a personalized learning plan for each student, bypassing skills they have already mastered. This course fully aligns with IC3 GS6 level 1 targets and contains over 110 lessons, activities, and assessments in three units:

Computing Fundamentals
Key Applications & Information
Living Online

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The first unit is Computing Fundamentals. This unit gives students an overview of basic computer skills needed for success and how to get started using a computer and then moves on to more complex skills. Here are just a few of the lessons included in Computing Fundamentals:

  • Common Computer Skills: Teaches the most common ways a mouse and keyboard are used.
  • The Computer Desktop: Learn the basics of what you see on a computer screen and how to get around a computer desktop.
  • Using Media: How to use media such as flash drives and SD cards to store pictures, files, and other information.
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The second unit is Key Applications & Information. This unit covers how to find information on the internet, how to organize the information, and how to interpret and show the information accurately. Here are just a few of the lessons included in Key Applications & Information:

  • Sources of Information: This lesson teaches how to identify reliable sources where information can be found.
  • File Structures: This lesson will teach ways that files are organized on a computer and online and how to find them.
  • Creating Tables, Charts, and Graphs: Learn how to organize information into tables, charts, and graphs that can be easily read and evaluated.
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The third unit, Living Online, covers the basics of social interactions in online communities as well as privacy and security on the internet. Here are just a few of the lessons included in Living Online:

  • Participating in Internet Communities: Learn how to interact with communities on the internet and how to use social networking sites and apps.
  • Maintaining Privacy: Other people and companies can use any information shared by an individual on the internet. Learn how to maintain privacy in this digital age.
  • Internet Security Issues: Sharing information on the internet brings many security risks. Learn about common internet security problems and issues and how they can be avoided.
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Digital Badges & Certifications

Digital Badges & Certifications

The validation students receive throughout their coursework is what keeps them on track to their own goals and also amplifies your program’s success. Keeping students engaged and accomplished in the skills they are learning will keep them motivated to find work or land a better opportunity. As they move through the Computer Essentials course, they'll earn digital badges and certifications to make their new skills a rewarding experience. They can also showcase their achievements to potential employers in their job search.

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Minimum purchase of 10 seats required. To add additional seats to an existing license, please call 800-931-8069 for a pro-rated quote.
Seats are licensed annually. Statewide, multi-site licensing, and bundle options are available upon request.

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To request a quote, please complete our online Quote Request form or call 800-931-8069.
Please allow 1-2 business days to receive your quote via our online Quote Request form.