How do I add, edit, or delete a class?

Organize your students into classes to quickly view them on the Dashboard and Reports tabs. It’s easier than adding a student!

To add classes:

1. From the Administration tab, click on Classes, then click the Add Class button.


2. Give a unique name to your class by clicking in the Name field.

3. Continue to assign students into your new class by clicking the Save & Manage Students button

4. Click the Save & Close button when you are done.


To edit an existing class:

1. From the Administration tab, click on the Classes button.

2. Use the Filter By or Search By fields to quickly find a specific class; make sure to press the Submit button to refresh your Class List results.

3. Locate the class you wish to edit and click the Edit link.


Here are your options for editing an existing class:

  • Rename the class

  • Make the class inactive

  • Update the class roster


We do not offer an option to delete classes. Alternatively, you can make any class inactive by unchecking the Active box and clicking the Save & Close button.