How do I create a class in MindPlay?

At this time, only administrators can create classes in MindPlay. 

Classes cannot be assigned to the Administrator. Classes must be assigned to a specific Teacher account or set as “shared.”

To create classes:

1. Select the school from the MindPlay dashboard.


2. Below the Classes dashboard, click on the Create Class link


3. Enter the class name; select the grade level and the teacher to be assigned to this class.

  • Each class name must be unique and can only use letters, numbers, and spaces.

  • Grade level selected is the class-default value for all students when added to the class manually. The grade level setting can be changed when individual students are added, allowing for multileveled classes.

4. Click Save. Repeat as needed.


To add a student to a class:

1. From the MindPlay dashboard, select the "unassigned" class. This is the default class students are added to upon completing the universal screener and will show you a list of unassigned students. 


2. Next to the student's name, click the pencil icon to edit their profile.


3. In the student profile, select the class to which you would like to add the student from the dropdown menu in the Class Assignments field.


4. Click Save. Repeat as needed.
