How do I generate reports in MindPlay?

The MindPlay usage data is aggregated into the Study Time report in Essential Education.

In order to generate other reports for students:

1. Select the box in the student's information line on the MindPlay dashboard. 


2. In the drop-down menu that will appear, select desired report you would like to generate then click on the "Select A Report Or Action" tab. After making your selection, click the "Go" button. 


3. Reports can be accessed by clicking on the "Reports" tab and then the "Most Recent" tab.


You are able to generate reports on a class, school, or district level. These reports can also be generated by clicking on the box in the Class, School, or District's information line and then clicking on the "Select A Report Or Action" tab, then "Go". 



To generate new reports in the "Reports" tab:

1. Select the "Create Reports" tab, and then the "Run Reports" button in the desired report section. 


2. Select the desired Group Level of the report, then click the "Next" button. 


3. Select the desired Schools, Classes, and/or Students to be included in your desired report, then click the "Next" button. 

4. Select the “Most Recent” tab to view the report.