How do I use the Learning Plan report?

The Learning Plan report gives you the ability to view and customize a student’s adaptive learning plan. There are two main ways that instructors can do this: editing the Individualized Learning Plan created by the LMS and adding/removing teacher-assigned content.  

Customizing the Individualized Learning Plan

You can use this report to manage content assigned via the learning plan to support your classroom instruction. 

From the Reports tab, click the Learning Plan button. These are highlighted in orange when selected.

  1. Choose the parameters for your report: Start by selecting the Course.

  2.  Then, choose the Student and Subject.

  3. Finally, click See Assignments.


Select the “Include if Needed, Included in Learning Plan, or Excluded in Learning Plan” options next to a unit title to make any unit mandatory (Included in Learning Plan), optional (Excluded from Learning Plan), or potentially assigned by the program based on practice test performance (Include if Needed).



Customizing Teacher-assigned Content

Use the Teacher Assignments feature to manage instructor-assigned content. Click “Reassign a lesson” or “Assign a practice test” to add an assignment to the Teacher Assignments.

Select “Completed teacher assignments to view the student’s scores on previous teacher assignments”.

To remove an incomplete teacher assignment select the "Incomplete teacher assignment" link and click "Remove" next to any assignment in the pop-up window.
