How do I use the School Information option?

As an administrator, you have the ability to make changes to your school’s account that will affect all students and teachers. Below are the types of changes you are able to make:

  • Update certain demographic information such as phone number, address, and time zone.

  • Choose to display your school’s login page in both English and Spanish.

  • Adjust the auto-deactivation period for students who have not logged in. The system will default this time period to 60 days before a student loses access to their account due to inactivity.

  • Adjust the passing scores students must earn for their unit quizzes and test-out quizzes. The system will set 80% as the default passing score.

  • Restrict a student’s and or teacher’s ability to edit and manage student profiles.

  • Adjust a few accessibility options, such as video auto-play or enable navigation features for screen reading software.

  • Hide various test-prep and study features which default to active within the Student Homeroom.

  • Adjust how students and teachers interact with practice tests and assignments.

To make these adjustments, first go to the Administration tab and select the School Information button.

Be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page to implement any changes to these settings.
