How do I use the Teachers option?

As an administrator, you have the ability to manage teacher accounts. 

To add teacher accounts: 

1. From the Administration tab, click on the Teachers button, then on the Add Teacher button. 


2. Enter the teacher’s first and last name, email address, password, and school name.


3. To continue quickly entering more teachers, click the Save & Add New button. 

4. Click the Save & Close button when you are finished. 

You also have the option to enter additional information to help better manage teacher accounts.

To edit teacher accounts: 

1. From the Administration tab, click on the Teachers button.

2. Using the Search By filter, type in the teacher's last name and first name. 

3. Click the Submit button to search.  

4. Locate the teacher you wish to edit and click the Edit link next to their name to open the Teacher Profile page.  

5. Click on the Label field to choose from 24 color labels* to tag teachers. Labels can indicate anything: an assigned district, school, location, or anything you may need to help better organize your teachers.

6. Click on any Default Course from the dropdown list for teachers to only see one product at a time.

7. If your school or organization has purchased more than one product, you can decide which ones your teachers can give their students access to using the check box to check one or multiple courses. 

8. Click on any of the available Additional Courses that you want to give your teachers and students access to. 

9. Click the Save & Close button. 

*Labels are decided at the administrative level and should be communicated to all teacher users to avoid two teacher accounts using the same label for different purposes or mislabeling students.



To deactivate teacher accounts: 

1. From the Administration tab, click on the Teachers button.

2. Using the Search By filter, type in the teacher's last name and first name. 

3. Click the Submit button to search. 

4. Locate the teacher you wish to deactivate* and click the Edit link next to their name to open the Teacher Profile page.

5. Uncheck the Active box to deactivate their account. 


6. Click the Save & Close button. 

*Deactivating a teacher will not delete their account. The account will remain saved in the LMS and can be accessed once you make the teacher account "Active" again.