Educator Help Center
What is the Dashboard and what does it do?
Essential Education’s Dashboard shows your students’ course progress at-a-glance. Data will begin to populate in the dashboard as your students begin working in our LMS.
Three unique data maps show your students’ journey* to an HSE credential: Student Readiness, Student Activity (showing only for ABE), and Test Results.
Student Readiness
This data map lets you know when your students are ready to register for the official HSE test they are studying. Student Readiness includes two graphs: School Readiness for the Test and Mean Practice Test Scores. Graphs are color-coded by subject.
School Readiness for the Test is an aggregate of how your students have performed on any academy course Practice Test in the past 120 days.
*Students must have you assigned as their Primary Teacher or be in one of your Classes to show on your Dashboard. Learn more about organizing students into classes.
For the GED® Test
Students Ready for the Test: Shows how many students scored 155 or better. Time to register!
Students Almost Ready: Shows how many students have scored 145-154. Very close!
Students Who Need More Study: Shows how many students have scored 100-144.
For the HiSET® Exam
Students Ready for the Test: Shows how many students scored 10 or better. Time to register!
Students Almost Ready: Shows how many students have scored 8-9. Very close!
Students Who Need More Study: Shows how many students have scored 0-7.
Student Activity
How much time are your students studying?
The Student Activity data map summarizes your students’ activity in the program. This data map includes two graphs: Students Logged In and Study Time per Student.
Students Logged In tells you how many students have used the program in the last 90 days. The Who Hasn’t Logged In feature* allows you to identify which students you need to encourage to continue studying.
Study Time per Student shows the average student study time for the last four weeks. Click the Study Time Details feature to get more information from the Study Time Report.
*See the Generating Reports section of this guide for more information.
Test Results
Celebrate your students’ successes with the Test Results data map. This data map shows official HSE test scores entered in one of our three Offline Academies by students, teachers, and administrators. Test Results show two graphs: Your Students Who Passed the Test and Mean Test Scores.
Your Students Who Passed the Test provides a snapshot of how many students you have reported that passed the entire official HSE test in the past three, six and twelve months periods.
Mean Test Scores shows the mean scores for each of the different HSE subject tests that your students have taken. Click the Enter Test Detail feature to enter standardized test scores for a particular student.