What is the Student Progress report and what does it do?

Essential Education’s Student Progress Report shows your students’ progress in a specific subject area at a glance.  Data will begin to populate the Student Progress Report as your students work through their courses in our LMS.

Upon logging in, select Student Progress on the Let’s Get Started page.


From the Student Progress tab, Student Progress is the default report.


Then, choose the parameters for your report. 

For class-level information:

Start with Class, followed by Course and View. If you are an administrator, you will need to select a Teacher before selecting a Class. Finally, Click See Report.

For a specific student:

Start with Student, followed by Course and Subject. Finally, Click See Report.




The report shows five specific pieces of data: students’ total study time, skill gains, and the most recent assessment score within the defined parameters as well as students’ last login date and an easily accessible link to the individualized learning plan.

1. Total study time represents the sum of all active study time the student has spent studying within the selected subject since their account was created. Click Details to pare down to their weekly or monthly study time data.

2. Skill gains represent the number of skills mastered within the selected subject. For TABE 11/12 Academy and CASAS GOALS Academy, it represents the number of skills mastered in the selected level. Click Details to open the Skill Mastery report for the selected student and subject.

3. Last log in indicates the last time students earned study time for actively working on the learning material.

4. Most recent assessment score displays students’ most recent assessment results in that subject/level in a bar graph. Click Details to view the Practice Test Overview, which shows the student’s highest score and three most recent scores in each subject area.

GED® scores

  • Honors: Green (175-200)

  • Passing: Blue (155-174)

  • Needs Study: Orange (140-154)

  • Remediation: Red (100-139)

HiSET® scores

  • Honors: Green (15-20)

  • Ready: Blue (10-14)

  • Needs Study: Orange (0-9)

5. Click Open under the Individual Learning Plan to view the student’s learning plan, which demonstrates which content areas the student has completed or tested out of as well as all teacher assignments in the selected subject area.

Click here to learn more about using the Skill Mastery report.

Click here to learn more about using the Individualized Learning Plan report.