Work Essentials
An Online Course for Critical Job Skills

Help Your Students Build Employability Skills to Find & Keep a Job


Work Essentials is an online, self-paced course designed to help students build the employability skills they need to enter the workforce. The evolving skills demanded in today’s workplace can make it challenging for educators to keep their students motivated to pursue their career goals. This instructional content focuses on what today’s employers want from new hires and prepares students to navigate their own job search, become valued employees, and advance in their careers. Each module keeps students invested by rewarding their work with digital badges and certifications that recognize their accomplishments. This course is perfect for adult students struggling to find better employment opportunities, including high school equivalency candidates and high school-educated adults.

3 New Work Essential Modules With Over 90 Lessons & Quizzes:

Job Seeking: Uniquely designed to help students learn the essential skills needed for a job search that will help them find work.
Job Ready: Curated lessons to prepare students with the high-demand work habits employers are looking for in new hires.
Job Keeping: Specifically structured to help students turn into valued employees who excel and advance in their careers.

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Many students don't know where to begin when it comes to finding work, and many educators don’t have the resources to help students individually with their job search. With our Job Seeking module, students can independently focus on becoming successful in today's work environment.

Students will learn how to:

  • Network
  • Find jobs online
  • Apply for jobs
  • Write resumes and cover letters
  • Avoid job scams
  • Make a good impression
  • Meet employer expectations
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Starting a new position comes with its own learning curve that can offset the confidence students get after accepting a job offer. With our Job Ready module, your students will feel empowered with the skills to adapt to working environments in their new roles and improve their career opportunities.

Students will learn how to:

  • Communicate well
  • Meet employer expectations for the job
  • Show initiative and dependability
  • Create a positive customer experience
  • Represent themselves in a positive manner
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Accepting an offer and receiving the first paycheck is just the start to kicking off a student’s career direction. With our Job Keeping module, you can help your students understand the potential of their work success by building skills for long-term success to advance in the workplace with a promotion or higher-paying position.

Students will learn how to:

  • Think critically and problem solve
  • Work well with others and build relationships
  • Solve work-related problems
  • Plan and organize
  • Negotiate to solve conflict
  • Keep records
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Digital Badges & Certifications

Digital Badges & Certifications

The validation students receive throughout their coursework is what keeps them on track to their own goals and also amplifies your program’s success. Keeping students engaged and accomplished in the skills they are learning will keep them motivated to find work or land a better opportunity. As they move through the Work Essentials course, they'll earn digital badges and certifications to make their new skills a rewarding experience. They can also showcase their achievements to potential employers in their job search.

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Minimum purchase of 10 seats required. To add additional seats to an existing license, please call 800-931-8069 for a pro-rated quote.
Seats are licensed annually. Statewide, multi-site licensing, and bundle options are available upon request.

Order Work Essentials

Choose the number of seats to fit your class or school, then enter the exact quantity you want in the box and select "Order"

To request a quote, please complete our online Quote Request form or call 800-931-8069.

Please allow 1-2 business days to receive your quote via our online Quote Request form.