Online Prep for GED, HiSET & Job Success in Utah

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What Students Are Saying...

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"Super easy to use, and you can go at your own pace. I would recommend this to anyone looking to take their GED studies. I also like that you can take the lessons over as many times as you need to."

- Alexia Vargas, Essential Education Student
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"This has been such an amazing program. It has helped me learn so much that I didn't understand when I was in high school. I can focus on the subjects I need to study and keep track of my progress."

- Shanice Wallace, Essential Education Student
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"I am so glad that Essential Education is helping me learn the right way! The study material is awesome and it's in a price range that I can afford."

- Damien Henry, Essential Education Student
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"Wow, guys! Essential Education makes it super easy to study! I am learning so much at my own pace. 100% recommend!"

- Binna Gwan, Essential Education Student
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"This program makes me feel like I can get my GED! It's the best one that I have tried."

- Christopher Andres, Essential Education Student
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"I struggle badly with math, but Essential Education breaks it down in a way that really helps me understand! I'm learning, and I'm loving it!"

- Emily Pottinger, Essential Education Student
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"I am looking to better my knowledge background for a better job. I thank you for helping me to obtain this. The Job Ready program gives awards and even offers a way for companies to see my hard work. Thank you soooo much!"

- Jennifer, Essential Education Student

Need Financial Help?

Apply for a scholarship today and get our most popular study program for only $15.99/month.


A Few Common Questions

What’s the difference between monthly and lifetime access?

Monthly is a subscription in which you’ll pay a fee each month until you cancel. Lifetime is an easy one-time payment that will grant you access for life. Monthly is recommended for students who plan to complete the program within a couple of months. If you’d prefer to take your time, a lifetime plan is best.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes! We'll refund any payment within 7 days if requested, no questions asked.

Can I change my plan later on?

Yes, of course! You can upgrade or change your plan at any time. Not sure which one to choose? Try our $19.99/month plan and upgrade later if more resources are needed.

What happens if I want to cancel?

You can cancel at any time, no strings attached. Easily cancel from within your account or contact us directly.

How does an Essential Education subscription work?

You pay a set amount each month in exchange for full access to our study program. Use it as much as you want, and then cancel when you're finished. It’s that simple.

What is the difference between your 2 test prep programs?

Both programs help you prepare for a high school equivalency test. The GED & HiSET Test Prep Plus Job Skills program also includes additional courses to help you build skills to find and keep a great new job as well as get ready for college entrance exams. The GED test and HiSET exam are very similar and assess the same basic skills. Where you live determines which test you should take to earn your high school equivalency diploma. Find out more about your test here.

Ready to Improve Your Life?

Get all of the resources you need to earn your GED or HiSET diploma in as little as 6 weeks.