How do I find my school’s website?

If you currently attend a class at a school that uses Essential Education, you will need to go to a special website just for your school. Your teacher should have given you a website address that looks similar to this:, along with your login credentials (email and password).

To log in to your account from your school’s website:

  1. Access the internet using a browser that best supports our courses: chrome-check.pngfirefox-check.png
  2. Type the website directly into the address bar of your internet browser and not into the search bar: chrome-browser.pngfirefox-browser.png
  3. Enter your email and password
  4. Click the Log In button
  5. If you can’t remember your password, click the Forgot password? link.

If you cannot locate your school’s website, please contact your school or teacher to ask for it.

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