Where are my essay scores?

To find your essay scores, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Essays” Tab.
    1. Desktop: Left side of the HomeRoom.
    2. Mobile: The subject menu is at the top right corner of the screen. Look for a circle with a plus sign.
  2. Find “Graded Essays.”
  3. Click “Review your essay” on the right side of the screen.
  4. Your score can be found at the top left corner of the page.


  • The essays that are still in the process of being scored can be found in the Essays tab under “Submitted essays for grading.”
  • Once you submit an essay, please allow 72 hours for the grading team to score your essay.
  • The passing score on the essay is two out of six.
  • The Essays tab will display a red bell notification icon indicating that a new essay has recently been scored.
  • To retake another essay, click “Take a RLA writing test.”

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