Student Help Center
Logging In and Getting Started
- How do I redeem my gift code?
- How many languages are the GED & HiSET tests available?
- Can I study in one language and take the test in another?
- How will I receive the study tips?
- What’s the difference between the GED & HiSET?
- Can I change my study goal later?
- What happens if I don’t meet my study goal?
- I answered questions at the beginning. What should I do now?
- Why am I in HiSET Academy instead of GED Academy?
- How many hours should I set as my study goal?
- Should I take the GED test or the HiSET test?
- How do I log in?
- Why does it say my email/password was not found?
- How do I find my school’s website?
- What is a browser and which one do I use?
Your Courses
- How do I choose a lesson in the Work Essentials course?
- How do I choose a lesson in the Computer Essentials course?
- How can I find a subject while studying on my phone?
- How can I find my Computer Essentials scores?
- How can I find my Computer Essentials Certificate?
- How can I find the Work Essentials badges that I earned?
- How can I find my Work Essentials assessment scores?
- How can I earn a Work Essentials certificate?
- How does the Work Essentials survey work?
- How do I access my new Work Essentials lessons?
- What are badges and how do I earn them?
- How do I get Work Essentials certificates?
- What is the difference between the GED & HiSET Test Prep program and GED & HiSET Test Prep PLUS program?
- Where do I find my courses?
- What is a “Course Group”?
- Why can’t I study in all of the courses?
- How do I return to a course I’ve already started?
- Which lessons should I review?
- Can I change the language settings in the middle of the lesson?
- How can I go back and repeat just one topic or quiz question?
- If I leave the lesson, will my progress be saved?
- How do I start a lesson?
- How can I repeat a lesson?
- Why am I stuck in my Learning Plan?
- Why aren't the lessons and quizzes loading?
Practice Test
- How can I review the answers from my practice test?
- When taking a practice test, how do I save a question for later?
- How can I find my practice test scores?
- What is the RLA Combined Score?
- Where are my essay scores?
- How do I take a timed practice test?
- How do the drag-and-drop questions work?
- Why do I have to take a practice test or assessment for every subject?
Your Courses
What is a “Course Group”?
Course Groups are the groups of study within the Essential Education learning system. We have a total of six Course Groups:
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- High School Equivalency (HSE)
- Career Planning
- Work Ready
- College-Ready
- Assessments Course
Each of our Course Groups contains several courses. For example, the Work Ready courses contain Computer Essentials and Money Essentials.
The program you or your school purchased will determine what Course Groups you see or what courses you have access to.
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