Essential Education
student help
Student Help Center
educator help
Educator Help Center
Student Help Center
Course Basics
Managing Your Account
Login Help
Settings & Devices
Getting a GED Credential
Logging In
How do I redeem my gift code?
How do I log in?
How do I find my school’s website?
Email & Password Help
Why does it say my email/password was not found?
What can I do if I forgot my password?
What can I do if I don’t receive a password reset email for my account?
What am I being asked to add an email address to my account?
What can I do if my email address can’t be found during a password reset for my account?
What can I do if I receive a password reset email but still can’t log in to my account?
What can I do if I don’t know my account login information?
What can I do if I’ve lost access to my email I signed up with on my account?
Internet Help
What is a browser and which one do I use?
How do I know if my browser is up-to-date?
Resolving Log In Issues
First steps.
Why am I getting an error message?