Student Help Center
How do I start a lesson?
When you log into your account, follow these steps to get started:
- Click on the Courses tab
- Your Dashboard will open to show you all of the courses you have access to.
- Click on any of the course names (examples: GED Academy or Computer Essentials) you want to study or click on a Course Group to select a course.
- After you select a course, the welcome video will start playing automatically.
- After you’ve watched the video click the Get Started button.
- Click on a subject (example: Math, Science) you want to start studying.
- Create your learning plan by clicking on any button.
- Complete the questions and click the Submit button.
After submitting the questions, you will automatically go to your HomeRoom. Watch the introduction video and then click the Close button.
Starting a lesson:
- Click the Start Lesson button in the Learning Plan widget.
- Follow the lesson and answer the questions.
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